OVERSIZE CRUZ SHIRT - How to wear it?

CRUZ is our iconic style, which has been reborn in the form of light blouses for the SS22 1ST DROP. You can choose from four variations: white muslin, black and white patterned muslin and 100% silk or muslin black. A real ZIA Budapest key piece, which can be a timeless, must-have member of any wardrobe for a lifetime. The material is slightly transparent, which gives it an elegant and at the same time edgy look. We're glad you share our love for the OVERSIZE CRUZ SHIRT, so we decided to create a blog post showing three options for how to wear this versatile piece.


The OVERSIZE CRUZ SHIRT makes every outfit more elegant, as it is a refined piece in itself. Thanks to this, putting together an elegant outfit with it is child's play. We paired it with high heels, the playful, flared CITY LEGACY trapeze pants and the khaki RUE ET FLEUR swimsuit - feel free to wear the latter as a bodysuit outside of the water! If you are preparing for a party or a date in the evening, then this look is perfect: it is full of exciting, suspicious details, yet not exaggerated, so it will be tastefully sexy.


This look is the epitome of sporty summer elegance! The CITY LEGACY short made of high-quality artificial leather is a classic basic piece, yet it crowns any set. The combination of material and color makes it stand out from the crowd, yet its cut and the timelessness of the earthy color make it an eternal piece. We paired it with chunky sandals and minimalist ZIA Budapest rings.


The third is a real ZIA Budapest look. The OVERSIZE CRUZ SHIRT is an asymmetrical style with a longer back, so you can wear it with your favorite leggings. We took the khaki ZIA Budapest SIGNATURE ACTIVEWEAR as a basis, and as accessories we chose the basic black TRADEMARK CAP and the OVERSIZE TOTE BAG, and the whole we broke it up with a snow-white sneaker. Super comfortable and stylish set for sparkling city weekdays!

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